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starshattermods » The Space Station (General Discussion) » Station Lounge
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Star Citizen blues
I get less enthused about Star Citizen with each passing day. I was just browsing through ebay looking at ships that people are selling and was a bit surprised by the prices they are going for compared to a year or two ago. It looks like others are starting to feel the same was as I am. At this point I'm seriously worried that the game engine will be obsolete before this thing ever gets released. It seems like all they are accomplishing is rolling out new ships for people to spend more money on. The progress on the game itself especially the mulitplayer aspect of the game seems to have ground to a screeching halt. I'm starting to think that the vision they had for this sim may just not be possible to achieve with current technology. That's a true shame because if this ends up being a bust it's going to send shockwaves through the entire PC gaming industry.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
I am like minded. To the point of boredom. CIG is going into its' SIXTH year of game development and what have the proposed to accomplish during this year? The near completion of the Stanton system... ONE system!

Speaking of the game engine becoming obsolete... I hope to God that Chris Roberts doesn't find a game engine that he 'thinks' is better and decides to go to it. Of course, such a change would necessarily push back the game completion even further.

The game still "looks" beautiful, but I've said all along... pretty graphic don't ensure good gameplay. They still have serious FPS limitations online. Heck, there were even micro stutters in the single player vertical slice of Squadron 42 that was presented over the holidays.

I don't know if they can achieve the vision Chris has for the game. I remember sharing with you in the past hearing members of CIG complain about not being able to correct a problem because they didn't even know what was causing it. Very revealing.

For example, for several years the player could and would 'clip' through the floor of their craft or through bulkheads. I once clipped through my hanger floor and found myself floating in a back void under the hanger. Clipping is STILL a problem.

One would think if they knew what was causing it... they would have fixed it already. They haven't, probably because they don't know what is causing it. It boils down to what I think is incompetence.

Remember CR stating the their goal was to create the Best Damn Space Game Ever? He recently declared that he wanted to create the best game he could. That is quite a consession in aspirations or a realization of reality.

I've mentally resigned myself with expecting a total game failure and to kiss my money goodbye and chock it all up to a lesson learned.

Not to mention, I'm not getting any younger. Darn, based upon the rate CIG is going... I might see a finished game after I turn seventy in three years.

That is if I make it that far. Smile

Still, I have a little bit of hope. In the meantime... we will have to watch and see. Shrug
I just read that they are getting ready to start the promised facial recognition technology that will supposedly enable us to have an in game character that looks like ourselves. The only kicker is that in order for that to happen..... you guessed, we will need to cough up more money for some special web cam. I can guarantee you I will NOT be ponying up the dough for that feature. I used to be able to use the included facial editor in madden football and the NHL series games on XBOX to make a reasonable representation of my own face that was plenty good enough to enable me to play for the Penguins or the Steelers in those games. If this game ever gets released then I would be content to the same thing here.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
All the bells and whistles are fine if they ever FINISH the games. Squadron 42 and the Persistent Universe.

If the finished product is outstanding, such things might be worth considering but not otherwise.
I really hope CIG succeeds. If so, I will be pleasantly surprised and feel justified over my past support.asmile
I agree 100%. I very much hope they succeed and hopefully during our lifetime. I turn 50 this year and from our outings with Rfactor I can tell my reflexes are already declining from where they were even 5 years ago. By the time this game comes out we might be relegated to jobs that don't require manual dexterity on our own ships!!!
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
That part you mentioned about CR changing his tune a bit both concerns me and at the same time give a glimmer of hope. If they are realizing that what they originally set out to do is not possible, that would be bad in the sense that we were all counting on those original promises when we bought into this process. However at the same time if they are now resetting and looking at achieving something still good though not as grand as what they started out with, we might at least end up with SOMETHING as opposed to what we now have after 6 years of waiting.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
Hi Guys
I happened upon your new posts. I also am getting a little frustrated with the progress of this game. I haven't played in awhile. While I totally understand the move to a new engine, I am a bit annoyed with the continued re mapping of UI and control structures. I made a template to get used to all the controls for my Razer keyboard and Razer Keypad and thrustmaster stick. I decided to hold off as they keep on changing things. I also am not sure what to make of the continued ships being created and not really be available to play with. Personally I would not pay for anything more until is somewhat more complete. At least get squadron 42 out there. Even with addons for later.

Time flies by while your waiting for a universe to be created.

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