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starshattermods » The Space Station (General Discussion) » Station Lounge
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Racing Mod Selection(s)

We need to determine exactly what Rfactor mods we will be contending in. I think the first two are the Can-Am and the F167 mod.

Whatever mods we decide on... we have to confirm that the mods AI cars can stay on the selected tracks.

Please share your thoughts and intents.

Just so you know.. I don't really care for modern F1 racing. By that, I mean post 2000 F1. I think they are just to fast for me and they stick to the track too well. Plus the 7 gear gear box. I simply don't care for modern F1 racing cars.

On the other hand, I obviously like the more vintage F1 cars. ie. F167. Along that line of thought, I just downloaded an old F1 mod I liked in years past. It is the F171 mod. Just four years out from the F167 mod. The cars look great and it includes the option to have the drivers hands and arms displayed in the cockpit. It comes with a LOT of car teams and cars. I will be testing it out to see how it drives.


F171 cockpit image below. Looks very good. Obviously, I like this mod. Never heard of the Matra cars. I really like the one displayed below.

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Edited by wdboyd on 13-11-2017 12:32
I am in total agreement with you. I have tried a couple open wheel mods and do not care for them at all. They are indeed too fast. So fast in fact that I sometimes get vertigo when playing them. My two favorites are the same two you mentioned. The Can-Am and F167 are both great mods and in my opinion the best candidates for us to use. I will check out the F171 mod as well. I will also go through some other mods I have downloaded over the years to see if any of them would suit our needs. I do have a lot of sportscar mods if you are interested in multiclass racing. The drawback there is that I don't think Rfactor will keep season points totals for multiple classes. So unless you race in the top class you will be hard pressed to earn any points in the season.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
I never raced in the sportscar mods of Rfactor so I can't speak to its' multiclass race scoring situation.

For that matter, back when I raced I wasn't even involved in the scoring of the old timers series I raced in. Wink
This might be a good mod candidate...

F1 1975 LE (League Edition)

Initial impression of the F1 1975 LE mod.


This mod came out in 2016, so it is rather new mod. It comes with its own set of tracks for the series which are set up for and can use the rfe rain mod (downloaded and installed).

After a brief test with AI... these cars run about 10 seconds faster, per lap, at Hockenheim than the F167 mod which by the way runs faster laps than the F171 mods cars.

The F175 cars still use a five speed transmission. bluthumb

A lot more rolling terrain effect at their Watkins Glen track.

Overall... this is great good looking mod.

I'm having trouble getting the F171 mod to work. Were there special installation instructions that I may have overlooked?
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
Not that I remember. Oh.. it requires Loading the F171 1.0 mod first. (minor detail) Sorry. !biggrin!

Needed to set my plr. file Helmet setting to "0", but the mod worked prior to my making said change. (needed to get proper helmet display in game)
Edited by wdboyd on 13-11-2017 17:44
Did you finally get the F171 mod installed?

Sorry if I confused things.

You have to load the F171 1.0 mod first.

Then load the F171 1.1.0 mod update. bluthumb
Roger that. I wasn't able to do much with it last night. I had to attend a school board meeting. Will have a go at it tonight. Thank you for the clarification.!salute!
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
F171 is now up and running! Thanks! Another VERY high quality mod.!bb!
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
Yes... I too really like the F171 mod. bluthumb

Remember, if the drivers helmets are not displaying correctly... change the "Helmet" setting in your PLR file to 0.
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