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Star Citizen
I remember trying to team up and when we went to warp speed, or whatever they call it, everything when haywire. It wasn't a good experience.

I remember how clunky it was to team up at all. It was embarrassing because I had asked a couple of others to join us. I had purchased ships for them earlier to support the game. It as very disappointing.

I remember repeatedly falling through the crafts floor. Not a good experience at all. Most frustrating.

It's been over NINE YEARS. They should have some things working well by now. One would think so anyway. Check out their forums. One can get a general idea how the game development is going.

Let me know how play goes for you when you venture into their world now. bigsmile
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son Of God.
Revealing Quote from RSI General Forum.

" I bought this game back in 2015. I never installed it. My computer at the time was not up to the task. I ended up traveling a lot around the world, and had no chance to get a dedicated games system going on. Then when I did get a games machine, I was too busy to lay the time into a game such as this. I have waited 6 years. I figured that in 6 years they could really get a lot done.

I had the usual learning curve I guess. Figuring out the controls. It's not too hard really. I have laughed at the visual glitches. People standing on seats. multiple models occupying the same space. I have put up with some medium level but not game or soul breaking bugs. The 3d map thing being wholly buggy and broken is one of them. Seriously, did they let the new intern design that thing?

One of the biggest problems is, the game is downright dull. Probably the only interesting thing is the bugs. virtually no NPC dialogue or interaction. Nothing interesting actually happening. Just a bunch of animated dolls standing around. I have tried two delivery missions. One of them.... kind of worked. After dragging these ... things halfway around a planet, I put them in this storage.... thing. The action command does not want the damn thing to line up and go in to the opening. First one I managed to get it in eventually. The second one, went in, but apparently not correctly. And there was no way for me to push it, or pick it back up to try gain. So eventually I had to cancel the mission. Wasted about 2 hours on it. And it was a waste. A dull, dull, waste.

How after 6 years can this game be so.... bad?

It is a strange, empty and sad feeling that I have after finally playing this."

This about sums up my thoughts about Star Citizen. Yes, sad is the feeling I would suggest. asad
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son Of God.
Well I tried it and I have to concur with whomever made the post that you quoted above. It is truly remarkable how little progress has been made in the years ( I can't even remember for sure how many) since we ventured together into the persistent universe of Star Citizen. The only improvement of any sort that I can confirm is that loading times seem to be much better. I can recall waiting for what seemed like an eternity for things to load before. Everything loaded rather quickly even on my secondary computer that I built after my ALienware Alpha was renedered useless by a Windows 10 update. This backup system is faster than the Alpha, but it is by no means a high end gaming rig by today's standards and I do have to say that the game ran well on it which is at least something to be impressed with compared to before. The real fun came when I booted up the gaming beast in the basement. Since the last time we played, I build a Raid array of 5 hard drives and man oh man does it fly. The loading time of that array is faster than many SSDs by a pretty good margin. We are talking seconds and not many of them to load Star Citizen. So to sum up my experience. It was really good at the beginning. Once the game loaded there was nothing really to get excited about. Very sad.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20
Sad and Pathetic from a game development perspective. Frown
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son Of God.
Hello Commanders

I will probably try it again to see for myself. I find that they seem to be continuously reinventing the flying mechanics. I am also getting the emails regarding updates, but generally not impressed. I believe they added some new ports to visit and missions to complete. But feel the complexity of all they want to do, overshadows the actual gameplay. The one thing that bothers me is the progress of squadron 42. That should have been released awhile ago already. I don't always feel like downloading another 30 gigs of an update every couple months. Besides all the new ships being developed, but not really playable . negative Just get on with it. It seems they are just asking for more and more cash. I remember the original kickstarter was for 2 million. Now look where they are, an ever infinite roadmap of developement.
There is a you tuber called Morphologis i sometime watch. He often covers Starcitizen, and seem a little bit more hopeful. I originally heard of him through playing Space engineers.
Will try it out again, and give you my thoughts.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son Of God.
Hello Commanders

Sorry gentlemen, I was not able to take a look at Star Citizen like I wanted to.
I had to get a Thyroidectomy as my Graves Disease was untreatable with Meds or Radiation. I am hoping to eventually, but as I get the emails regarding SC updates, I get very discouraged. Also not looking forward to a big download. Maybe later I guess.
Hi Toshiro. It's great to hear from you. Best wishes for a full recovery from your surgery. I hope all went well and continues to go well.

I don't blame you for being in no rush to download Star Citizen. I did download it, and all it served to do was disappoint and disgust me even further. It has been probably close to 3 years since I had run the game, and I was astonished at the complete and utter lack of any real progress compared to the last time I had logged on. The longer this goes on, the more I believe that it is nothing but a pig in a poke. I bought a brand new super fast computer 8 years ago in anticipation of needing it to run the game with all the graphics maxed out. I don't regret buying the computer because it is still to this day 8 years later a fantastic gaming rig. However, this does bed the question, what sort of rig will we all need when and if this game ever does get released. They have already changed game engines twice now that I am aware of because the previous game engines were deemed obsolete and they switched to a "newer and better" engine. Chris Roberts had an almost legendary reputation as a game designer at one point. I am afraid after this, his reputation will be completely shot.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you, and be sure of this, I will be with you always even unto the end of the age. Mathew 28:20

I'm afraid I have to agree with everything Bradd stated. The games graphics are still first class but gameplay is terrible even after things going on for almost nine years of development.

Chris Roberts recently reported that he will be moving to England and be paying most of his attention upon completing the Single Player Star Citizen game a their England Studio headquarters.

I won't be holding my breath in anticipation though. All in all, a very frustrating and disappointing situation.

Still, the world keeps spinning and the sun will shine tomorrow, (unless it rains Smile)
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son Of God.
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